Sunday, November 28, 2010


What are adjectives?
  • Adjectives are used to clarify nouns.
  • Adjectives can be one word or a group of words.
  • Adjectives can also be used with certain verbs (such as the verb "to be"). Adjectives are used to clarify the subject that is doing the action, adjectives  are not used to clearify the verb.
  • Adjectives are used to describe color, material, shape, size, amount, price, quality, origin, personality, weight, temperature, weight, age, direction, etc.
Some common adjectve ends are -ive, -ous, -y, -ful,-ent.
Adjective Usage
  • Adjectives are placed before the noun.
  • The form of the adjectives stay the same for all types of nouns.
  • Adjectives can be used with all forms of nouns (see nouns).
Adjectives With Nouns:
  • My teacher is really nice.
  • I was teaching in a really big high school, while I was working on my master's degree.
  • The university that my oldest brother is going to is really nice.
  • The English teacher gave us a hard project to do this year.
Adjective With Verbs:
  • Our English teacher is tall and thin.
  • Our professor is a really nice man.

Teacher Ruby

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