Friday, December 17, 2010

Common and Proper Noun

Common Noun

A common noun is a word that names people, places, things, or ideas. They are not the names of a single person, place or thing.
A common noun begins with a lowercase letter unless it is at the beginning of a sentence.
For example:-
man, girl, boy, mother, father, child, person, teacher, student
cat, dog, fish, ant, snake
book, table, chair, phone
school, city, building, shop
love, hate, idea, pride

Proper Noun

A proper noun is the special word (or name) that we use for a person, place or organization, like John, Marie, London, France or Sony. A name is a noun, but a very special noun - a proper noun. Proper nouns have special rules.
common nounproper noun
man, boyJohn
woman, girlMary
country, townEngland, London
companyFord, Sony
shop, restaurantMaceys, McDonalds
month, day of the weekJanuary, Sunday
book, filmWar & Peace, Titanic

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